Very Interesting Development on the Anarchist Library

Evan Jack
1 min readMar 18, 2024


It has just (really only a few minutes ago) come to my attention that someone has recently posted my Bataillean critique of post-left anarchy from years ago on the Anarchist Library. I’m sure my 14–16 year-old-self would’ve thought this was cool, but I’m not sure how I feel about it. I tend to disregard that rather confused point in my academic development. I think that if Bataille and my interpretation of Bataille were right, then the critique is great, however, I have great doubts about the Bataillean position — I don’t agree with much of it at all any more, at least, not philosophically. Whoever took the time to do this, please let me know. I’d love to have a chat about your thoughts on the article as you took time to transcribe (or at least copy and paste it all) it and do proper citation work.

For those interested in my other work, school has gotten the best of me and so I have been unable to take the time to copy everything from documents onto Medium. As for publications, soon some will be coming out.






Evan Jack

How sweet terror is, not a single line, or a ray of morning sunlight fails to contain the sweetness of anguish. - Georges Bataille